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曝光黑名单内企业和人员 Exposure in the blacklist enterprise and personnel
Since June 12, formally initiated the provincial tourism industry"Compact default to"And strike force and in a disguised manner compel consumption since the special action,Combined with the carding involving in tourism industry five kind of 29 kinds of illegal business and illegal activities focusing on the improvement.At the same time,Also set up tourism enterprise/employees"blacklist"system,To achieve shall revoke the business license and employees work license of enterprise and personnel,Firmly on"blacklist"management,And to social exposure.
Since the special action,As a major province of 36 cases included in the listing supervision,At present supervision case has completed 26 pieces,The rest are in the investigation and handling.As of October 8,,Across the province were accumulated environmental enforcement staff more than 57455 people,Check the driver guide 62216 person-time,Check the coach 35277 vehicle-timeses,Alleged illegal were seized/Illegal illegal vehicle since 1112,The illegal operations since 594,Illegal operations since 518.
旅游市场秩序有明显好转 The tourist market order has improved significantly
More than four months to,To tourism market will take time/Key line/Check the second-hand an important node,Key tourist enterprise assault inspection,Important industry LaWangShi machines, etc,Centralized regulation tourism industry and illegal illegal management behavior.For all kinds of illegal behavior is investigated a batch/Exposure a batch of.Especially for guide and coach drivers forcibly push project at one's own expenses/Tourism shopping store sell goods, etc ZhiCiJiaGao tourists reflects intensely hot issue,All in strict accordance with the"According to gauge in accordance with the/Are heavier/DingGe processing"principle,Verify together/YanChu together,Make these hot issue get effective management.The serious raid the market/Cause bad influence of the illegal business activities"Zero tolerance"/"One-time clamp down on"/Included in the"blacklist"Management supernormal measures in accordance with the heavy place.
so,guide/Coach drivers poor quality of service/forced/In a disguised manner compel consumption,"Black car"/"Black guide"/"Black driving"Illegal activities such as illegal business operations and treated effectively,Tourism enterprise credit management and standardize service atmosphere to form,kunming/Dali/lijiang/Xishuangbanna and other tourist hotspots tourist market order improved obviously.
打非治违不力州市将问责 For lack of compact default indexs will accountability
Province special action leading group executive vice leader/Provincial tourism administration deputy director introduced more numerous,Although the four months of improvement,But a few influence by local tourist market order,And restrict the development of tourism industry"Persistent ailment"Dare not face difficult problems seriously,Take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure,Which a few key areas problems still outstanding.The next step,Will propose that province special action to promote the leading group work relatively slow by focusing on indexs of supervision,And carries out the questioning accountability mechanism,Do not take on leadership,Work propulsion of the poor will be built instrument the supervisory hall to carry on the questioning,Necessary accountability.
At the same time,Also suggested province special action leading group,Formulate the relevant departments on research on establishing administrative law enforcement of tourism, and administrative supervision combination of the opinions of the long-term mechanism.To speed up the study and establish the management system of tour guide/Tourism passenger management and industry dynamic supervision platform and a series of long-term security mechanism.
- 中瑞签署交通运输合作谅解备忘录-2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和国--亲民维稳
- 快递服务多环节战略合作协议签订-2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和国--亲民维稳
- 潜水打捞协会5年培训5900余名专业人员-2013年05月新闻-中华人民--亲民维稳
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- 杨传堂:在改革发展实践中增强战略思维能力-2013年05月新闻-中华--亲稳舆论
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