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游客:好像被强行消费 visitors:Like the forced consumption
Ms. Zhang group of four people from Inner Mongolia special to go to this mountain came,Entering the mountain pass,Her hand tickets,Suppressed a stream of complaint,She said,Because of the time schedules,No time to go to the other four spots。A ticket 180 yuan price,Let them difficult to accept。
Ms. Zhang huashan tourists:I want to go to huashan,You're packing so you this is not belong to forcibly well consumption,I also don't want to go,I have no time。Like the cheat was forcibly consumption。Then have to buy don't spend the 180 dollars,A monthly wages to earn much money。
The original,Huashan scenic spot a 180 yuan tickets,In the areas that contains a huashan、Diabetes hospital、West YueMiao and fairy valley four spots of package,That is a ticket can pass to play four spots,This normally should is good business,But why is questioned from tourists?
Ms. Zhang huashan tourists:I don't know this ticket inside including what ah,Don't know,And I don't intend to,If say the word of 180 to the place I don't know,I feel pretty is,I don't want to go to。
Huashan tourists:You the first 180 dollars to inform visitors,I this 180 dollars,Understand consumer?。
工作人员:只有一种票 不能单独买华山门票 staff:There is only one ticket can't buy tickets to huashan alone
Reporter discovery,The tourists buy package below,There are a few words description,Visit scenic spots including huashan、Diabetes hospital、West YueMiao and fairy valley four spots,If not carefully check can be difficult to find。And in the ticket office and in front of the scenic spot,Do not see any sign that tickets can visit scenic spots,When to buy tickets,No crew to explain visitors。Many tourists don't know they spent 180 yuan buying tickets is contains four spots of package,The money was not clear,Heart of course is not comfortable。then,Reporter with a tourist's identity to huashan scenic spot ticket office for consultation。
reporter:Now a ticket much money?
staff:Tickets is 180 a。
reporter:Now contains several scenic spots?
staff:Contains four spots,Huashan tickets is,Diabetes hospital,Then is the fairy valley and west YueMiao。
reporter:Assume that visitors want to buy tickets for the huashan alone do not?
staff:There is only one ticket。
看似物超所值的一张票 事实并非如此 Seemingly value-added a ticket that was not the case
In the interview reporter also found,And huashan scenic spot ticket office but devoid of compared,Fairy valley and west YueMiao two sites of ticketing pavilion is swing left out in the cold,Reporters from 10 o 'clock in the morning to 11 points,And 11 point between to 12,Respectively in fairy valley and west YueMiao ticket office waiting for each one hour,Didn't wait until a ticket to the tourists。Then west YueMiao sightseeing car of a driver to reporter expressed the truth。
reporter:The self-help is not too much?
The driver:well。
According to the staff said,180 dollars to buy a huashan tickets,Also free gift of three other attractions,Should be the thing super value,But for this statement,Most visitors did not agree,Yourselves just want to go to a scenic spot,But had to several other completely don't want to pay visit scenic spots。And huashan scenic attractions distribution not focus,Mutual distance,Visit for a long time,If you want to swim completely department attractions,Visitors to the time and physical strength are also a big challenge。
reporter:The other two spots is not going to?
visitors:over-indulgence,Time is limited,Too late。
It is understood,General tourists visit the huashan conventional route and time arrangement is,The first day afternoon went up to the mountain,At noon the next day came down from the mountain,But huashan scenic spot package valid only two days,For most tourists,48 hours after visit, including huashan all the four scenic spot,Is not reality。
visitors:I think is in two days' time physical aspects and time is not very abundance,It is not enough to finish the whole of huashan。
负责人回应质疑:是一种“让利于民”的行为 In response to the question:Is a kind of“Benefit to the people”behavior
For many tourists question,Huashan scenic spot ticket management department person in charge said,implement“A votes”In order to regulate the tourist attractions tickets,Simplify procedures,Save visitors many times of trouble tickets。The implementation of the“A votes”when,Management departments of price tickets for a new round of preferential,The existing tickets is lower than the past few attractions ticket price respectively,And after the commodity price departments of examination and approval,Is a kind of“Benefit to the people”behavior。
Huashan scenic spot the ac ticketing office director ShiYanPing:To foreign visitors is cheap,I also take several spots,Also don't fare,Can say the huge discounts and benefits to the consumer。
For such explanation,Many tourists have their own views。
visitors:I think there is no need to close together,This completely is a way of bundling selling it。
业内人士:剥夺了游客的选择权 The personage inside course of:Deprived of tourists option
The launch of the package,Will a few attractions packaged to sell,Single from price to see,Is cheaper than individual consumption convenient,But why will also questioned by tourists?For this is what we should see?Let's attachment to the commentators,Shaanxi province academy of cultural tourism research center director zhang yan,Listen to her opinion。
commentators:I think attractions packaged、Travel package approach,Deprived of tourists option。“A votes”Starting point is good,But it obviously exist regardless of tourists personalized needs problem,Through the coupon limits the tourists' consumption scenic all scenic spots,Also disguised deprived of tourists independent option。In the long run,Damage is the interests of the tourists,Finally, in turn, will restrict the development of the scenic area,Travel package became the oneself give oneself of the sleeve。Scenic area in optimization combination tickets,Ascension supporting services and guarantee tourists independent options aspect。
Carrying out the practice of tourism package,Avoid some scenic spots off“Scene middle”“YuanZhongYuan”Repeat the phenomenon such as charge,On the other hand,Tickets will be after unification,Also reduces the each scenic spot ticket price,Original intention is good,But for the promotion service job is not inform how in place,Let visitors confused。At the same time,Through the coupon“forced”The tourists' consumption scenic all scenic spots,Disguised deprived of tourists independent option。so,Tickets for the reform should be carefully considered,How to do good things,Real let visitors satisfaction。
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