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西湖景区倒塌仿古建筑 均由同一单位设计--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
Morning post found,Three leaves/River lane street memorial arch/Jixian pavilion there are several in common:Are antique buildings,Is wood or wood stone structure,By the same family unit design,From is it to collapse in within 11 years.Three leaves 2004 years to build,Two years later collapsed;River lane street memorial arch and jixian pavilion respectively in 2001/Built in 2003,11 years ago but/Nine years.Jixian pavilion after the collapse,Netizens to taunt:The west lake is antique buildings shelf life just 10 years?
The west lake the ac:"The cause of the collapse of the wind,To deal with it seems can only deal with the wind."
To set of the reasons caused the collapse of the pavilion,Hangzhou west lake scenic area management committee said,Preliminary judge for the lake caused by excessive instantaneous wind.Jixian pavilion belong to the lake scenic area management JiJianKe section chief shao ning was born says,Pavilion itself does not exist quality problem,"At that time the area moment wind up to 12,More than typhoon"Sea anemone"Landed wind;Jixian pavilion and the lake is located in the mouth,Suffer from wind than any other place big."And it was reported,From jixian pavilion recent monitoring stations in the middle of the lake in the lake,Data showed that the maximum wind power level 6.Through the retrieval of the report,Morning post found,"Instant wind excessive caused the collapse"And six years ago after the collapse of three leaves official explanation are almost the same.
yesterday,The morning call the ac propaganda division director TongGuoLiang,Ask if someone will for jixian pavilion collapse is responsible for,He answered,"The cause of the collapse of the wind,To deal with it seems can only deal with the wind."Morning paper attempts to understand jixian pavilion construction unit,But the ac propaganda division/Lakeside administration are said"Don't know",Should ask each other.
The designer says wood preservative treatment need at least a month,And river lane street memorial arch two months is built.
Jixian pavilion design unit hangzhou landscape design institute co., LTD., vice President of the company/The chief engineer weeks for has repeatedly stressed the jixian pavilion/Three leaves collapse are two single case,But for river lane street of the reasons caused the collapse of housing,He thinks not exclude construction or improper management.
According to he introduced,Had received for the qinghefang historical block design memorial arch work,To prevent memorial arch instability,In the column bottom adopted"Cup foundation"Design way:In the post position made two reinforced concrete base,Wooden post insertion base fixed.Weeks for said,"But there is also a problem:Wooden post and concrete base connection parts easy to decay."River lane street memorial arch collapsed,The official report shows that,Connection parts have the corrosion phenomenon.
Weeks for tell morning post,Timberwork architectural wood such as take aseptic technique,At least a month,Let wood soaking anti-corrosive agent.And hangzhou city landscape design institute co., LTD., the company received memorial arch design work is in August 2001,Qinghefang historical blocks in October to welcome to open the door,That is,Memorial arch from design to finished only two months.
How to build/Use what material/Will not consider wind coefficient,To discuss further.
According to the qianjiang evening news reported,The west lake scenic area staff told,They will send an emergency as soon as possible/Comprehensive large punch instruction,Request the relevant unit expansion safety inspection,To ensure the tourism environmental safety.The west lake scenic area every week to all attractions professional building/Especially antique buildings for routine inspection."Timberwork architectural component needs daily maintenance/A few years a replacement."
Scenic lakeside administration said,The bad weather will set before and after the pavilion in daily maintenance and check,Each month will also regularly.And a recent,On September 5th just checked.
Jixian pavilion suddenly collapsed,The west lake scenic area said,They will cope with subsequent matters,Resumed as soon as possible"Pavilion bay QiShe"landscape,The whole jixian pavilion will be rebuilt,Including pavilion around the platform.As for the future how pavilion built/Use what material/Will not consider wind coefficient,It remains to be further discuss research.And platform is expected to repair time in a week,Before you open again to evaluate the quality of the platform.
Hexiang experts say,Antique buildings was blown down,The biggest problem may be out in construction link.
Morning post to know,Jixian pavilion/River lane street memorial arch/Three leaves all by"Hangzhou landscape design institute co., LTD"design.yesterday,The vice President of the institute/The chief engineer for weeks in an interview with morning post said,These three seat antique buildings were them 2002 years/In 2001,/2004 years of design.
"Now I say may also didn't believe that,But three leaves/Jixian pavilion collapse really can only say"Natural disasters".We design timberwork building is completely at the current of the ministry of construction[Timberwork design specifications]for.At the beginning the design will also windage as considerations,Special reduces the height of three leaves,In jixian pavilion stake and base joint adopts 6 mm steel plate and wear pin screw reinforcement design,Increase wind capacity."
According to the inference for weeks,Jixian pavilion collapsed because of excessive instantaneous wind/Variable direction,"Jixian pavilion adopts the traditional mortise and tenon joint structure,beam/column/Top by mutual guyed retainer,Form a kind of stiffness,Support the weight of the pavilion,But because the wind is not a direction,And the wind into the pavilion will cause the wind disorder,A certain extent may loose mortise and tenon joint structure,Lead to building instability."
He also said,As a designer,Don't need to cut corners,"Design fee is according to the cost of building a certain proportion of the calculation."
Morning paper puts forward,lake"windy"/"Blame the wind"And not now just know,Why only in the design of strengthening timberwork,And not directly with reinforced concrete?Weeks for said,This is the west lake landscape for overall consideration,"The wooden structure in the overall landscape,The wooden building aesthetic feeling is unable to substitute other building materials."He admits,From a practical perspective,The west lake scenic area is not suitable for the wooden structure building,But in order to cater to landscape requirements,Design unit often can only use timber structure design.
to"Jixian pavilion be blown over"that,Accept the morning post interview an ancient building repair/Antique building expert does not agree with."generally,The winds blow over some of the pavilion is the possibility of very little.Because the pavilion by the pillars support,Bearing surface not.If their even this wind all accept to can not stand,In the design or post itself exists the possibility of problem is the biggest."
"I to jixian pavilion design unit understand somewhat,They in the pavilion design very experienced,Should not have made such a low-level mistakes,The biggest may be in construction link."The experts say,Juxian pavilion is located in the lake,Moisture heavy,therefore,For the processing of wood is very key.In fact,In the repair buildings or built antique buildings,Wood must be approved by more than one month tung oil soak,To dry in the sun,Such wood will have very good moistureproof/Anticorrosive effect,But this need time,And many such building often for cast time limit for a project to ignore it.
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