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10月6日,“2012中国• 额济纳金胡杨国际模特大赛”颁奖典礼在胡杨会场圆满落幕。至此,为期一月有余的沙漠之都大型国际模特赛事完美结束。来自不同国家和地区的50名中外佳丽聚美额济纳,把更多现代的时尚因素注入到这座历史悠久的文明古城。金秋的胡杨美景、异域的大漠风情、独具韵味的民族文化与活力四射的时尚元素交织融汇,将这座沙漠之都演绎成为更加热情、狂欢、现代的“东方小里约”,也为“2012中国•额济纳国际金秋胡杨生态旅游节”增添了一抹最靓丽的色彩。额旗政府领导同额旗各族上万余群众共同观看了此次颁奖盛典。
October 6,,"2012 China• Egina gold p. euphratica international model contest"The prize presentation ceremony in p. euphratica the meeting ended.So far,For a month and the desert are large international model events perfect end.Come from different countries and regions of 50 Chinese and foreign scarlett gathered egina beauty,The more modern fashion factors into the old city with a long history of civilization.P. euphratica autumn scenery/The mighty desert is different region amorous feelings/Unique flavor of the national culture and the dynamism of the fashionable element mixed fusion,The desert is deductive become more enthusiasm/carnival/modern"Oriental small Rio",Also for"2012 China•Egina international autumn p. euphratica ecological tourism festival"Add a hint of the most beautiful colour.Frontal flag government leaders matching flag over tens of thousands of people of all ethnic groups together to watch the award ceremony.
In the competition of the judges in the strict selection,After the fierce competition,finally,From Lithuania player YouMan twip won the international model contest of the first prize.Such a set exotic beauty and grace temperament in one of the gold crown, p. euphratica tended to beauty,For the further promotion of p. euphratica egina autumn bring a wisp of new light of youth.
内蒙古自治区阿拉善盟额济纳旗副旗长毛增海表示,金胡杨国际模特大赛的引入更进一步丰富了本届“中国• 额济纳国际金秋胡杨生态旅游节”的旅游元素,把更多的国际元素注入到额济纳这座历史悠久的大漠之都,不仅吸引了来自全球不同国家和地区的佳丽参与,聚焦了全球的目光,也以此为契机,推动了“中国•额济纳国际金秋胡杨生态旅游节”在世界的关注。未来的额济纳不仅是中国的,更是世界的。
Inner Mongolia autonomous region ALaShan union EJiNaQi vice flag long hair add sea said,Gold, p. euphratica tended to the introduction of international model contest further enriched the"China• Egina international autumn p. euphratica ecological tourism festival"Tourism elements,The more international elements into egina this with a long history of the desert,Not only attracted from global different countries and regions to participate in beauty,The focus on the eyes of the world,Also as the opportunity,promoted"China•Egina international autumn p. euphratica ecological tourism festival"In the world's attention.The future of egina is not only China's,Is the world.
大赛主办方之一阿拉善盟禾天下文化旅游发展投资有限公司总经理杨进勇表示,“2012中国•额济纳金胡杨国际模特大赛”是打造额济纳旗“苍天圣地 大漠奇域”品牌所迈出的实质性的坚实一步。以保护、传承、弘扬原生态民族文化为切入点,在“奇景、奇物、奇史”的基础上,本着“以人之美,代言天之美;以美人之事,激活对美丽胡杨林的广泛关注”的理念,通过国际模特大赛这场空前绝美的大漠盛事,推动额济纳旗的生态旅游经济开发。
Series one of the organizers said ALaShan union shocks the world cultural tourism development investment co., LTD., general manager YangJinYong said,"2012 China•Egina gold p. euphratica international model contest"Is to make EJiNaQi"Holy heaven desert odd domain"Brand helping substantial solid step.In order to protect the/inheritance/Carry forward the original primitive culture as the breakthrough point,in"wonders/Odd things/Odd history"Based on,In line with"With the beauty of the people,Endorsement day beauty;With the beauty,Activate the Euphrates poplar forests to beautiful wide concern"concept,Through the international model contest this unprecedented desert beautiful event,Promote EJiNaQi ecological tourism economic development.
It is reported,This contest,From September 5, official start,And through email/To submit information/Telephone counseling appointments way to start in the global range for model recruiting and registration,Sign up to participate in the model number have reached nearly three hundred people.That makes the competition competition,Also has always been a degree of unusually fierce.From the selection to October 6, at the beginning of the end,Several rounds of selection down,Every different themes/Different style of the game request,Make each participating of beauty at home and abroad,All dare not any treat STH lightly.Every game,Can say is full of suspense.
当晚盛典以“情动金胡杨 梦想额济纳”为主题,围绕着额济纳金胡杨特色,强烈地展现了大漠之都的时尚风韵,共分为巡场走秀、风衣走秀、皮衣走秀、民族服装走秀四个模特展示环节。时尚风情、民族风情和异域风情交织在一起,演绎了一场国际化的聚美盛会。
The grand ceremony to"Feeling dynamic gold egina p. euphratica dream"As the theme,Around the egina gold p. euphratica characteristics,Strongly showed the desert of fashionable charm,Is divided into the field work/Dust coat during/Leather work/National costume during four model shows link.Fashionable amorous feelings/Folk customs and different region amorous feelings mixed together,Deduced a international beauty pageant together.
The players graceful figure match with fairy tale world of p. euphratica beauty and vast deep desert scenery,Move a static,People view blend,Unlimited scenery and ten thousand kinds of amorous feelings perfectly together.harmonious/classic/beautiful.And WeiLaTe with local characteristics of the Mongolian national costume show,Along with the beauty of the modern dance,And has presented a classical tradition and modern perfect combination.Players rush/Refined performance,Highlighted the EJiNaQi unique ethnic customs,More charm feast icing on the cake.
The Academy Awards,Also with national dance/Folk songs/The national musical instrument performance and extremely rich ethnic amorous feelings show.YiShouShou beautiful songs,Joy and rising and falling,Sometimes fashion jump,Aftersound around the ears;Heating and lithe and graceful dance,Or elegant whirling about,Or vitality and bold and unrestrained,For a long time can't forget;Fully show the EJiNaQi cultural charm and the hospitality of the people with enthusiasm.
据了解,此次“2012中国• 额济纳金胡杨国际模特大赛”开启了额济纳旅游新理念的序幕。借着此次赛事的东风,未来,额济纳还将相继推出大漠自驾拉力赛、沙漠风尘极限挑战赛、胡杨婚纱摄影季、大漠胡杨汽车展等一系列活力四射的赛事和美妙新奇的旅游活动。未来的额济纳将不仅有秋天的金色童话胡杨美,还有春天的怪树徒步探险行、夏天的沙漠胡杨碧绿奇、冬天的大漠雪景胡杨叹。一年四季,额济纳的奇妙风光都将是旅游爱好者们的最佳选择和摄影爱好者们独一无二的拍摄圣地。
It is understood,the"2012 China• Egina gold p. euphratica international model contest"Open the prelude of egina tourism new concept.Through the tournament of the east wind,The future,Egina will also launched the desert drive rally/Desert travel fatigue limit challenge/P. euphratica wedding photography season/The desert p. euphratica auto show and a series of vigor 4 shoot event and wonderful novel tourism activities.The future of egina will not only have the golden autumn fairy tale beauty of p. euphratica,And spring strange tree hiking adventure line/Summer desert p. euphratica green odd/The mighty desert is the winter snow, p. euphratica tended to sigh.Throughout the year,The wonderful scenery egina will be the best choice of the tourist fans and photography fans unique filming the holy land.
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