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The dubai holding global luxury hotel management enterprise zhuo aiu group announced yesterday,Zhuo aiu hotel and resort hotel with Chinese ctrip travel services company in Shanghai signed global distribution partnership agreement.This is the first in the Middle East from the luxury hotel group and ctrip sign of these distribution cooperation plan.So far,Chinese tourists can through the ctrip platform direct booking the world's top luxury hotel,Enjoy innovation accommodation experience.
加强中国市场战略 To strengthen the Chinese market strategy
据了解,携程和卓美亚之间的这一直连分销技术可以很方便地将携程的顾客预订自动发送至卓美亚酒店,整个过程仅需几秒钟。卓美亚集团首席运营官Nicholas Clayton表示目前中国市场在全球范围已从1%增加到6%,希望通过这次签约在2013年能够提升至14%,而即将迎来开业一周年庆典的卓美亚喜玛拉雅酒店的业绩也有望获得大幅增长,他认为未来中国旅游业以及旅游市场将继续保持快速增长,这将强化集团在中国市场的发展战略。
It is understood,Ctrip and between united this has been even distribution technology can be easily will ctrip customers booking automatically send to zhuo aiu hotel,The whole process taking only a few seconds.Zhuo aiu group chief operating officer Nicholas Clayton says China market in the global scope has been increased from 1% to 6%,Hope that through this contract in 2013 can be up to 14%,And opening is about to usher in a week celebration of zhuo aiu Himalayan hotel performance is expected to get a boost,He thinks the future China tourism and tourism market will continue to maintain rapid growth,It will strengthen the group in the development of China's market strategy.
Nowadays China has become dubai and even global zhuo aiu hotel's sixth big tourist market.Zhuo aiu's the most popular Chinese visitors welcome hotel for dubai and the maldives 3 hotels,And Shanghai zhuo aiu Himalayan hotel.Group at present in China will also add 5 hotels,Including zhuo aiu guangzhou hotel/Zhuo aiu macau hotel/Sanya zhuo aiu clear water bay resort hotel/Zhuo aiu hangzhou hotels and zhuo aiu thousand island resort hotel.
2012年出境游客数将达7840万 2012 outbound tourist number will reach to 78.4 million
As the signing of the other party,Ctrip early in the first half of the year begins in succession with the hotel group do straight even signing,The and zhuo aiu cooperation,Ctrip chief executive FanMin says it will give both sides bring new propulsion,The overseas hotel supplies and service quality is the meeting to a new level,"Be in China at present,Ctrip it is able to provide the most overseas hotel covering and reserve amount of travel service,In 2012, the Chinese outbound tourist number is expected to reach 78.4 million people,Chinese tourists also become the highlight of tourism market in the Middle East,Through the cooperation for the development of overseas ctrip will play a very effective role."
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