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On August 29,,City LvYouWei revealed,The city has 104 travel unit completed the wireless local area network installation,Convenient tourists mobile Internet。In addition,In 2012 the municipal government for the masses please find important practical 29th item“Transform A level scenic spot and the folk custom tourism village tourism public toilets”Commitment has completed seventy percent。
“微型厕位”服务儿童 “Miniature toilet a”Service children
“I didn't know that,The bathroom is incredibly meant for use by children"miniature"Toilet a,Consideration is very considerate!”In the morning on August 29,,Take the child came to visit Beijing aquarium the citizens of ms. Li repeatedly praise。
In the aquarium a layer of good taste island area of toilet,A door is an obvious than the normal toilet a small a number of small squat toilet position。“The characteristics of the aquarium is the child,So we in the transformation of the toilet when have increased this miniature toilet position,Than the normal toilet a scaled down,Let the children use up more safety、More convenient。”Aquarium engineering senior executive ZhangXueQing said。
And miniature toilet position of bring out the best in each other,Is the lavatory former wood board also reduced,Compared with next to the baffle short a section。“General baffle height is in 1.5 meters or so,We designed damper to 1.2 meters,So let parents stood outside also can be seen in the toilet a,Ensure the child's safety。”
The toilet reform is not only the innovation of equipment,Also consider the environment factors。In the aquarium transformation in the bathroom,The ceiling is designed to become blue sky,Wall brick also USES blue background,Everywhere show“Marine”atmosphere。“Although only toilet,But we also hope that visitors into here can still feel the characteristics of the aquarium。”ZhangXueQing said,After reconstruction toilet area increased 20 square meters,Female toilet lavatory woman from three to six,To tourists brought convenient。
无障碍厕所媲美酒店 Barrier-free toilet rival hotel
Thick wooden door rivet rivet,With the golden lion door knocker;The door is carved stone lotus of the screen wall;Wash one's hands before the mirror,Also USES the traditional wooden frames。The front door avenue Lao she teahouse three layer,Just after reconstruction of the toilet revealed a thick Beijing amorous feelings。
but,The most let this toilet distinctive,The toilet is a complete barrier-free facilities。Bending of the stainless steel rail around the toilet a,Let the disabled man to be able to ease of use。“Our toilet reform is in strict accordance with the five-star hotel standard。”Lao she teahouse wangjie the relevant person in charge said。
City LvYouWei relevant controller introduces said,Transform A level scenic spot and the folk custom tourism village tourism public toilets,In 2012 the municipal government for the masses please find important practical 29th one important task,Up to now the existing public toilets and a complete transformation,Finish the task by more than 70%。
过百景点安装无线网 Over sites installed wireless networks
as“Wisdom Beijing”Part of the construction,Scenic area in the wireless local area network construction also lets visitors enjoy“Mobile Internet”convenience。
In the morning on August 29,,Standing in the hall of the Beijing aquarium,Open the cellular phone search wireless network,Very convenient and you'll find it“CMCC”and“test”Two wireless network hot spot。“We to the wireless network full coverage,Specially installed on high,This can easily every visitors on the Internet anytime and anywhere。”Aquarium office director said only,At present the aquarium wireless network includes cooperation with China mobile“CMCC”network,After the connection of tourists need from China mobile access account password,Can be used;And also the self-built scenic spot“test”Wireless network,Visitors to the staff by consulting the password,Can networking。
The relevant person in charge of the city LvYouWei revealed,The city has 104 travel unit completed the wireless local area network installation,Convenient tourists mobile Internet。
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