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【环球旅讯】北美洲的顾客对酒店服务不太满意,J.D. Power and Associates上周三发布的调查报告结果就证明了上述事实。
【Universal brigade-】North American customers was not satisfied with the hotel service,J.D. Power and Associates on Wednesday report the results proved the fact。
2012 North America hotel customer satisfaction index report to the list lists some factors,Some of these factors result in customer satisfaction of industry is reduced to its lowest level since 2006,Including check-in/check-out、catering、The hotel services and facilities, etc。
J.D. Power的副总裁Stuart Greif表示,上网费用这一项使一些顾客感到不满,并引起了他们的“愤恨、失望和愤怒”。顾客在奢侈酒店要花更多钱,因此他们认为这些酒店应该提供更多免费服务,例如Wi-Fi上网,很多相对低端的酒店都会免费提供这一服务。
J.D. Power, vice President of Stuart Greif said,The cost of Internet service that a make some customers feel discontent,And caused their“indignation、Disappointed and angry”。Customers in the luxury hotel to spend more money,So they think that the hotel should provide more free services,For example Wi-Fi surf the Internet,Many relatively low hotel will offer free this service。
Greif says,We are in a turning point,Now the hotel customers attached great importance to the Internet services,As they need a bed and hot water,“Now you can't leave the web”。Therefore the anger of the customer which comes from the cultural turn。
We can through the following obvious example to clarify this view:The hotel is not in your room because is put inside a bed and to charge you。
位于华盛顿的房地产代理Neil Glick称其经常在寻找酒店Wi-Fi上网服务,尤其是在海外度假的时候,“因为这一服务对我来说非常重要”。他在美国时可以使用手机来上网,但“在海外使用3G网络的费用非常高。”
The real estate agent in Washington Neil Glick says it often looking for hotel Wi-Fi Internet services,Especially in overseas for my holiday,“Because this service is very important to me”。He in the United States that can be used while cell phones to the Internet,but“In overseas use the cost of the 3 G network is very high。”
负责数据分析的人需要注意以下数据:J.D. Power从数以千计的消费者那里收集有关他们对酒店费用的整体满意度信息。今年其满意度评分下跌到了76点,比去年调查的结果低16点。J.D. Power认为酒店的网络收费导致了上述结果。该报告指出,55%的酒店顾客在入住过程中使用网络,与2006年的数据相比增长了20%。其中87%的顾客通过Wi-Fi上网。11%的顾客称其在上网时支付了额外的费用。
Responsible for data analysis of people need to pay attention to the following data:J.D. Power from thousands of consumers there about their hotel charges to collect the overall satisfaction information。This year the satisfaction score fell to 76 points,The result of the investigation than last year low 16 points。J.D. Power think that hotel network led to the above fee。The report points out that,55% of the hotel check-in process for the customer in use a network,And in 2006 increased by 20% compared with the data。87% of the customers through the Wi-Fi surf the Internet。11% of the customer says it when using the Internet to pay the extra expenses。
奢侈酒店上网的规则和价格各不相同,一些奢侈酒店仅向忠诚度计划的会员提供网络服务,如丽兹卡尔顿的Club Level,尽管某些丽兹卡尔顿酒店会在酒店大堂提供免费的上网服务。
Luxury hotel Internet rules and price each are not identical,Some luxury hotel to loyalty program members only provides the network services,Such as the ritz Carlton's Club Level,Although some ritz Carlton hotel will in the lobby provide free Internet services。
在酒店设置Wi-Fi网络的费用比想象中的还要高。经验丰富的网络基础设施酒店顾问Don O'Neal表示,一个每秒传输100兆数据的无线网络每月的费用为3,000-4,000美元。他说他很了解的一家纽约高端酒店设置了两个每秒传输20兆数据的无线网络,每月的费用分别为700美元和800美元。
In the hotel set Wi-Fi network cost than the imagination is even higher。The experienced network infrastructure hotel consultant Don O 'Neal said,A second 100 million data transmission of the wireless network monthly fee for 3,000-4,$000。He said he knew well a New York set up two high-end hotels per 20 million data transmission of the wireless network,Monthly cost $700 and $800, respectively。
美国酒店业协会的Joe McInerney表示,“无线网络的成本很高,因此一些人必须为此服务买单。”他说高端酒店无法在客房价格的基础上再提高15-20美元,因此他们向顾客收取费用。“如果你不使用这一服务,那你为什么要付费呢?”
The hotel industry association of Joe McInerney said,“The cost of the wireless network is very high,So some people have to pay for this service。”He said high-end hotels in the room prices can't based on 15-20 dollars to improve,So they charge to the customer。“If you don't use the service,Why do you want to pay?”
Economy hotel and the hotel in the competition become more fierce,Because consumers often subject only to the influence of price and the choice is the hotel。They hope to room prices contains some facilities and use of the service,And Wi-Fi services like breakfast just as important。You need to spend the extra in luxury hotel costs to enjoy breakfast。And economy hotel is likely will be free for you provide coffee and a bagel。
The results show that the report,Make customers feel anger is the cause of the hotel with so-called“Service charge”As for a network costs。Greif says,The hotel charge the cost of Internet access to customer behavior caused the customer's anger,They think the street cafe near all offer free wireless network,And the hotel but for charging them for the additional cost。
Industry experts found that more and more start to use the network service ladder hotel pricing system,They will be free to provide basic Internet service,If the customer need to watch video or play online games,The hotel will be charging them extra flow cost。The hotel customers not only hope to provide more bandwidth,They also hope to use more equipment in the room,Such as the telephone、Laptops and tablet computer。Many hotels seem to have keep up with the development of technology trends。
Greif says,“This is the hotel is bad,By the recession,They also in low cost structure mode in operation。”He added,With the economy picking up,The demand of consumer is also in the rebound。But the hotel and no quickly keep up with the trend,“Internet accounts for a large part of the consumer demand。”
The report from the United States and Canada to more than 61,000 a hotel customers to conduct an investigation,Cost data included in the report of the results。
该调查报告的总分为1000分,它对7类酒店的表现进行评估,包括经济型酒店、长期入住酒店和奢侈酒店等等。今年酒店的总得分为757,比去年的得分低7分。丽兹卡尔顿酒店在奢侈酒店的类别中排名首位,为864分;Jameson Inn在经济型酒店的类别获得该类别最高的751分;其它在各自类别中排名首位的酒店包括Omni Hotels & Resorts、Homewood Suites、Drury Hotels、希尔顿花园酒店和假日酒店。
The survey report total score for 1000 points,It kind of hotel of seven of the performance evaluation,Including economy hotel、Long-term and luxury hotel hotel, etc。The hotel has divided into 757 this year,The lower than last year scoring seven points。The ritz Carlton hotel in luxury hotel category in first,For 864 points;Jameson Inn in the economy hotel for this category of the highest category 751 points;Other top ranked in their respective categories of hotel including Omni Hotels & Resorts、Homewood Suites、Drury Hotels、The Hilton garden hotel and holiday inn。
Report in customer satisfaction score of guest room is the lowest level of the past seven years。
The annual survey report by adding a new content:Assess customer to the opinions of the hotel staff。56% of respondents said they give to the hotel staff high evaluation;34% of the customer said they felt the employee's performance in general;10% of customers say they give employees the lower evaluation。The expert inside course of study thinks,The economy of the area is pick up gradually,But the hotel in meet customer expectations of increasing the slow progress。
你是否会为酒店的Wi-Fi服务支付费用?此费用是否会使你选择不入住某家酒店? (Wing 编译)
Would you for hotel Wi-Fi service pay cost?The fees whether you choose not stay in a house hotel? (Wing compiled)
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