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北京16家名人故居将首次对外开放 含毛泽东故居--亲稳网络舆情监测室
16家名人故居首向游客开放 16 the former residence of famous person first to open to visitors
According to the relevant departments to statistics,Lived in Beijing historical celebrities have left far above hundred former residence heritage。The selected 28 former residence of celebrities,A dozen foreign open,The rest of the 16 the former residence of famous person for the country、City or district-level units of cultural relics protection,Previously not as tourist attractions opening。
LvYouWei person in charge said,City LvYouWei will swim as former residence of Beijing high-end tourism product packing launch,Because of its unique cultural connotation and Beijing high-end tourism culture trait consistent,But also for the protection of the former residence remains。
部分故居不具备全开放条件 Part of the former residence does not have full open condition
The person in charge said,The packing rolls out 28 former residence of celebrities,A dozen in the past will open to the society,16 new into celebrity line museum,Including MAO zedong former residence、Sun yat-sen library do、Liang qichao's former residence, etc,There are still some do not have full open condition。“But this does not prevent tourists visit to former residence requirements。”
This 16 former residence of celebrities,Some celebrities live for future generations,Some still in the homes,Some are unit worker dormitory。It is understood,MAO zedong's former residence is located in scene shandong gian have left lane 8,Happy tiles,BeiFang between 3,Things penthouse each of the room,DongFang between 2。On September 19th, 1918, 1919 to March 12, MAO zedong lived in this,For Beijing municipal key cultural relics protection。yesterday,One insider,MAO zedong's former residence at present use complex,Still do not have completely open condition。
The relevant person in charge of LvYouWei explanation,Former residence of strengthen the publicity,Planning the city of the special former residence swim products,Can attract social more extensive attention,To achieve the purpose of the former residence of relics protection。
16家首次开放的名人故居 16 the first open the former residence of famous person
MAO zedong's former residence、Sun yat-sen library do、Former residence of Chen duxiu、ZhangZiZhong former residence、TianHan former residence、Former residence of kang youwei、Liang qichao's former residence、Shenyang this former residence、ZhuQi eagle former residence、YangChangJi former residence、ShaoPiaoPing former residence、OuYangYu qian former residence、ChengYanQiu former residence、XunHuiSheng former residence、Former residence of tan sitong and ZuoZongTang former residence。
专家说法 Experts said
警惕旅游产业粗暴消费名人故居 Alert tourism industry rough consumption the former residence of famous person
Beijing cultural heritage protection center in the Shu what think,tourism,For the protection of the former residence of famous person、inheritance,After all is a good thing。But the former residence of famous person travel,We should regard tourists and he has exalted historical famous between a kind of quiet、personalized、The communication of the psyche。
What Shu said,If stubbornly and combination of tourism industry,Make typically tour type、Noisy visit,For the former residence of famous person and history celebrity is a not respect。In what Shu remind,To develop tourism way to protect the former residence of famous person,Should be alert to this“Rough consumption”phenomenon。
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