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鸿鹄逸游推环游6国16天 搭新航A380豪华套房--亲稳网络舆情监控室
On a plane to also can have the hotel as independent private luxury suites,Lie low the travel around the world?yes,Recently ctrip's top tourism brand“Escape a large swan swim”Travel around the world to launch a series of new products。This line will use the Singapore airlines A380 deluxe suite,Travel around Europe North America Asia three continents,Singapore,British,France,Switzerland,Germany,The six countries,Stroke 16 days,Price 295000 yuan/people up,From October to next February,Monthly a group,Each regiment limit 10,Beijing、Shanghai on both。
A large swan swim swim and CEO of the fine said,“We has been three consecutive years of successfully launched four around the world series products,Including 60 days to travel around the world,66 days,,80 days,,50 days,Get the market's attention and recognition。Global top tourism suppliers are seeking cooperation with us,A large swan swim escape in rich layers of more and more is also high visibility and reputation。We will continue to focus on the high-end tourism product development,With more creative around the world products to meet different high-end clients around the dream。”
据了解,新的环游世界产品最大的亮点是部分国际航段如新加坡-伦敦,法兰克福-纽约将采用新航A380的豪华套房(其余国际航段采用新航公务舱)。新航A380豪华套房由著名法国豪华游艇设计师Jean-Jacques Coste 设计,仅12间。普通国际航班头等舱座椅通过按钮调整到180度供旅客平躺休息,而新航豪华套房已超越头等舱,设定出新的硬件和软件标准。除可调整的座椅外还设有全球首创的独立式全尺寸平躺睡床,配有柔软的床垫,并提供纪梵希设计的豪华羽绒被和睡枕。就寝时间更享有著名的空服员铺床服务。而地面的酒店住宿则全部安排入住香格里拉、四季、威斯汀等知名豪华酒店。
It is understood,New products around the world the biggest bright spot is part of the international sector such as Singapore - London,Frankfurt - New York will use the Singapore airlines A380 deluxe suite(The rest of the international sector the sia business class)。Singapore airlines A380 luxury suite by the famous French luxury yacht designer Jean - Jacques Coste design,Only 12。Ordinary international flight first class seat through the button adjustment to 180 degrees for passenger lie low is rest,And Singapore airlines deluxe suites has transcended the first class,Set a new hardware and software standard。In addition to adjustable seat outside also is equipped with the global pioneering detached full size flat berth,Equipped with soft mattress,And provide givenchy designed luxurious duvet and ShuiZhen。Bed time more enjoy famous flight attendant turndown service。And the ground hotel accommodation is all admitted to the shangri-la、Four seasons、Westin, and other well-known luxury hotel。
And a large swan swim product manager is introduced,This article around the main products reference sia A380 existing route for product design,Series up six countries in the capital and other major cities,Urban tourism,Shopping is given priority to。In the basic products have a certain flexibility,In order to meet different customer needs。if,In the 16 days standard stroke can increase 5 days 3 late top Australian swim,Make travel more rich;And for the first time to the above countries and cities in the high-end guests,Can choose freedom done way,In the enjoyment of luxury suites incomparable flight experience at the same time,According to personal preference Settings stroke,On every Saturday,Two people can reserve,And enjoy special special airport hotel shuttle back and forth and exclusive Chinese tour guide service。
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