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各地争抢名人资源发展故里经济 现“烂尾”隐忧--亲稳舆论引导监测室
河南梁祝故里景区被指“烂尾” 官方称暂未找到投资商 Henan butterfly lovers is refers to the hometown“Rotten tail” Officials say the temporary not found investors
Recently had the net friend to post said,Henan province ZhuMaDianShi RuNaXian butterfly lovers town built“Butterfly lovers native”Scenic spot halfway,In part of the landscape tree dying wait for a phenomenon,Cause media attention,
Xinhuanet 15 report says,Reporter in the butterfly lovers horse town near the north village“Butterfly lovers tomb sites”see,In addition to the entrance built a by the guangdong merchant donated the archway,And had not built other buildings。“Butterfly lovers tomb”Around the dozens of tiny coniferyl part dry。“Butterfly lovers tomb”The tombstone of and the local government set up“Butterfly lovers tomb sites”The tablet on the scratch and fall off。
for“Rotten tail”rumours,RuNaXian butterfly lovers, director of the office of the reasonable 15, king said,Really had a businessman plans to invest 200 million yuan to build scenic spot,But then for the businessman company economic co., LTD., wait for a reason,Temporary it had run aground,At present haven't found the right investors,The construction of scenic spot has not really started,So does not exist“Rotten tail”say。
各地“傍名人”蔚然成风 各路神仙名人被瓜分一空 around“Alongside celebrity”Become common practice the immortal celebrity was out carve up
Butterfly lovers as“Chinese love”spokesperson,Their social benefits and potential economic sense of value is self-evident。Beijing financial channel from 2006 released the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list found on,only“Butterfly lovers legend”A there, ningbo city, zhejiang province、hangzhou、shangyu、The yixing of jiangsu province、Shandong jining、Henan province RuNaXian and so on six to declare。
In addition to declare all positive cultural heritage projects outside,Also with folk association cooperation,rob“Butterfly lovers of the township”title,To develop the local tourism resources to escort。after《China culture》Had reported,In addition to grant ZhuMaDianShi RuNaXian for henan province“China, the hometown of butterfly lovers”。The national association of zhejiang province in 2007 was named ningbo yinzhou area for“China butterfly lovers culture of the township”,The zhejiang shangyu awarded“English set of the township”title,Jiangsu yixing was also this association awarded“Liang shan bo lovers of the township”title。Just then a association awarded the four place is different“Butterfly lovers of the township”。
In addition to the butterfly lovers,Other celestial celebrity was also carve up out。Sichuan SuiNing、Henan pingdingshan and xinjiang changji on all claim to be“Goddess of mercy native”,More five provinces to seven for two Joe native place、The four places for the hometown of cao xueqin,The two provinces for the west door celebrate three hometown,Constantly similar reports in the central hunan province。
“烂尾”隐忧凸显 各地需三思后行 “Rotten tail”Malaises highlight all need to take another look
Although the henan RuNa called butterfly lovers scenic hometown has not really started construction,Does not exist“Rotten tail”say,But dared ask so much“Butterfly lovers of the township”,Add some almost shape of false landscape,How many visitors will be interested?
after,Huang2 rong2 GuoJing statue will cause the netizen hot debate。Hubei xiangyang to jin yong's construction《The Legend of The Condor Heroes》The heroine guo jing and huang2 rong2 statue,Cost 1 million yuan,Take it as a local tourist attractions。Critics the truth,Net friend not needle is not guo jing huang2 rong2 statue,But the government has spent billions of a huge sum of money to build a tourist attractions behavior。
According to a previous report,The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization representative office culture heritage protection specialist DuXiaoFan had place for celebrity resources comment:If only for myopia economic interests,Ballyhooed business development will only damage cultural heritage。Culture PeiYu scholars in Beijing to accept an interview said,“All don't think find a sites or find a cultural relics,Will be able to bring tourism revenue。”
Butterfly lovers native face difficult dilemma at the same time,Kaifeng cost billions reproduction tomb sweeping festival cheng jing news travels bubbling with noise,Although the official clarification“Investment is not one hundred billion”“Not push over reconstruction”, etc,But the question sound continue。Kaifeng annual revenue for 5 billion yuan,Commentators ZhangTianWei 16 in an interview to accept Chinese network pointed out:“Regardless of bank loans,Or attract/bid for/invite investments,All is to return,A grim project how to give money to return,Let a person think up are very afraid。This is my butterfly lovers from the thought of it such a reason。”Have net friend say,Hope henan native RuNa butterfly lovers of this difficult to kaifeng government's ambition is to splash a little cold water。
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