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At present,Including Chen duxiu、Bing xin、Hou baolin, who lived more than 100 place celebrity former residence,Has statistics listed(Including already recognition of the former residence of celebrities,Is not authoritative department identified as the former residence of famous person but have a certain of humanistic value、Celebrities lived historical heritage)。
Dongcheng district WenWei says,These scattered around the buildings of hutong,Only 26 place is listed at various levels of cultural relics protection units,Another 7 place is listed as not approved for cultural relics protection units of cultural relics shall not move,Most do not have“Cultural relics”identity,Many celebrities former residence has become dwellings or unit house。
Is now undertaking“The former residence of famous person protection and research”Subject of lu xun's faculty of arts researcher wang bing said,At present our country is not yet available for“Former celebrity”Special law、regulations。Many celebrities former residence after age changes,Property chaos,Courtyard house structure、Style badly damaged。Dongcheng district WenWei cultural relics section chief WangYuan said,Recognized difficult、Property to straighten out、The existing household relief difficult,Is the protection of the former residence of famous person faces three big problems。
It is reported,Dongcheng district celebrity former residence protection and utilization of exploration work,From the historical and cultural city protection committee office and the area WenWei cooperation,Have arranged for a certain number of special funds,With the aid of university research strength,Research on area celebrity footprint investigation。
WangYuan says,According to the courtyard of the cultural value and protection status,Classify protected,Relief the compound retaining sundry household,Back in the traditional courtyard housing morphology。
Dongcheng district government also hope to bring in the social responsibility of the enterprise strength and more abundant capital,Do celebrities who return of former residence repair。As a memorial free opening to the former residence of CAI yuanpei,As jinbao street developers investment repair maintenance。2011 years,Former residence of CAI yuanpei is listed as the key cultural relics protection units,“So the protection of cultural relics in the common path,Should advocate。”WangYuan said。
争议 dispute
开发商能否还名人故居历史风貌? Developers can also the former residence of famous person style history?
By the real estate developers to perform enterprise social responsibility,In the development of regional protection the former residence of famous person,Dongcheng district WenWei cultural relics section chief WangYuan think,This is a more common、Effective protection path,Worth recommending。however,Folk WenBao personage also has issued a different voice:Hutong demolition is large,Only in a new skyscrapers reconstruction between the former residence of famous person,Can only be visible without the god。
WenBao people had a chi have for example,Municipal WenBao unit、In the Ming dynasty temple YuQian national hero in the historical environment west mount hutong have all gone,YuQian shrine buildings into the bonsai。January,Is located in dongcheng district north total cloth of hutong“LiangLin former residence”Because of this plot of business development and be illegal demolition,To trigger social from all walks of life to the former residence of famous person the feeling of protection、SOB。
Some people worry WenBao,The former residence of famous person protection is more out of business development interests consideration and political appeal needs,Consequences are“Selective protection”,Some culture art celebrity former residence is difficult to get and the historical status of the protection of the match。
探访 visit
开发商数十亿元重修蔡元培故居 Developers billions of yuan repaired the former residence of CAI yuanpei
DongTangZi alley no. 75 hospital is located in the busy city of jin bao behind street。Looks is a very common old Beijing hutong courtyard,Caesious outside wall engraved“Beijing municipal key cultural relics protection unit CAI yuanpei former residence”。
From 1917 to 1923,CAI yuanpei served as President of the university of Beijing time living here。Also it is here,CAI yuanpei lit the“The may fourth movement”Of the spark。After one hundred years of deflation rain cut,Small courtyard number easy its main,Because of the increased after residents,Cause the private lap disorderly built serious,Originally narrow space unbearable heavy burden。
Despite 1986 years here has been dongcheng district government announced for district-level WenBao unit,But by 1998,Dongcheng district government QiDongJin treasure street old city dilapidated building demolition reconstruction project,Small courtyard has been broken,The siheyun of old style destroyed to danger。
By the end of 2000,DongTangZi hutong to demolition,Former residence of CAI yuanpei has nearly been removed。Because of the social from all walks of life many calls for,Small courtyard to site preservation。Since then,Development and construction jinbao street fuhua group investment billions of dollars to CAI yuanpei former residence for not LaJia maintenance。Until 2009,Restored courtyard style and features of the former residence of CAI yuanpei as a memorial hall,Formal open to the society。
Into the now 75 yuan,Door curtain、Windows、The eaves of a veranda all is bright,After the rain the ground emitted lichen。The original SanJin small courtyard on my side and behind the new corridor and a long and narrow exhibition hall,Glass closet in our dining room set all kinds of CAI yuanpei's works and the old thing about him。
The maintenance of memorial funds does not poor,Now by fuhua group bear。Two full-time staff said,In order to try to restore former residence intact,The group according to the Ming and qing dynasties style,Especially in Mr. Tsai bedroom custom old elm single bed、Nanmu desk。Pillars and the eaves of a veranda paint,Should after 17 process。
now,Former residence of CAI yuanpei not only by district-level WenBao unit promotion for the municipal WenBao unit,Also was named the dongcheng district of patriotism education bases。Officials say,Now small courtyard visitors are in an endless stream,Mainly is the school、neighborhood、Community organizations to visit and red tour group and foreign tourists to come to visit。
追访 After visit
疏解旧居住户恢复四合院风貌 Relief former residence household recovery courtyard style
More than celebrities former residence in how to reasonably protection?WangYuan says,According to the domestic and international mature experience,Many celebrities former residence can continue as dwellings or unit house,The government's responsibility is to guide、Supervise the yard management users(unit)To protect the building of traditional styles and yard the original pattern。
Dongcheng district lead many department coordination,Will protect celebrity former residence and improve the people's livelihood combination,Through the gradually improve housing residents living conditions,Organization who return many celebrities in their old home hold sundry household,Demolition of modern architecture,Improvement surrounding environment,Back in the traditional courtyard housing morphology。
《Dongcheng district general development strategy planning(In 2011-2030)》Also puts forward,To 2030 years ago,Dongcheng district in the area under its jurisdiction to complete all the historical and cultural blocks and the protection of the organic update;Complete the existing historical and cultural value higher siheyun protection and repair,Protection characteristic of“Hutong - siheyun”Living form and space characteristics,Fails to meet the requirements of the protection of traditional style buildings and structures to improvement、Rebuilding or dismantle。
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