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节假日高速路免费 自驾游成本降低40%--亲稳网络舆情监控室

August 8,,According to xinhua news agency,Traffic department of transportation has issued a notice,National Day holidays from this year began to toll will be exempted from the passenger。Major holidays highway after toll-free,Drive travel to the citizen what effect?Will not cause highway traffic jam?
August 8,,Reporters from the provincial highway administration to understand,According to former holiday traffic flow situation,Each holiday each have different,Conservative estimate,Because the free,Highway traffic increase than ever before 2 times or so,Our province highway traffic completely can hold。
沈阳近百万车辆或将受益 Shenyang nearly vehicles or will benefit
Reporter in an interview to understand,Shenyang private car advocate to highway free showed great enthusiasm,Citizens Mr. Chen told reporters,Now basically every holiday he will drive traveling on holiday,He said,SuGuTun from shenyang to cover state,Highway fee is 75 yuan,150 yuan back and forth,Now the price is so high,Transportation costs can save a little better。
A national large travel agencies shenyang branch controller introduces said,According to estimates,Major holidays highway toll will be exempted from the car,ZiJiaYou tourists transportation costs by 40%,ZiJiaYou expenses for lower cost,Will improve the tourists travel rate。
The manager told reporters,For highway free may lead to the ZiJiaYou boom,They have ZiJiaYou tourists in the service to provide online tourist routes、reservation、Booking service,And the development of some personalized new ZiJiaYou lines,In order to meet the needs of the earlier guest。
But some other senior drive but guest of joy feelings,With 10 years of experience ZiJiaYou think Mr. Chen,The purpose of the drive travel,Not in order to save money,But to freedom is comfortable to enjoy the journey。
Major holidays highway for free,All the cars can go to run on the way,If meet serious traffic problems,The ZiJiaYou intimacy will to sell at a discount greatly。
According to the relevant departments to statistics,Currently shenyang have“Liao A”7 a blue licence under the car of 940000 cars,According to the state council and the relevant and a small buses will be exempted from the national holidays high speed“increasing”,Then shenyang benefit vehicles will reach nearly cars。
高速车流量或将比以往增加2倍左右 High-speed cars than ever before or increase 2 times or so
春节、清明节、劳动节、国庆节四个重大节日高速公路免费通行,如果在我省实行,那么就意味着迎来第一个免费的节日将是今年国庆。记者从省高速公路管理局了解到,2011年十一黄金周 7天,全省出口车流量共为319.058万台次,平均每分钟317台次,省高速公路各收费站实行车道全部开放,万家、毛家店等省界收费站,车流量已经达到历史最高峰,大连和本溪收费站为流量增加最大的站,大连10月1日每车道每小时流量704台,最多路段达到同一车道20多米一台车,甚至通过交通台来发布限制车速通知;本溪收费站10月3日每小时车道流量430台次,全天流量13430台次,为平时日均流量的3倍。
The Spring Festival、Tomb-sweeping day、Labor day、The National Day four major holiday highway traffic for free,If in the province,That means that have a free holiday will be National Day this year。Reporters from the provincial highway administration to understand,2011 National Day golden week 7 days,The export of 3.19058 million cars measurements,An average of 317 per minute measurements,Each province highway toll lane of all open,、MAO stores within the toll booths, etc,Traffic has reached the highest in history,Dalian and toll increases the maximum flow benxi for the station,Dalian October 1 per hour every lane flow 704 sets,Up to the same lane road more than 20 m a car,Even through the JiaoTongTai to release speed limit notice;On October 3 benxi tollbooth per hour lanes flow measurements for 430,13430 all flow measurements,For at ordinary times the average daily flow 3 times。
Provincial highway administration relevant personage told reporters,Every year, the advantages of holidays,Cars will increase,Labor day、Tomb-sweeping day passenger flow relatively scattered,And ten is mainly a tourism,Every year.,Shenyang-dalian、ShenShan、ShenDan direction is larger cars,According to conservative estimates,If a free,Will increase than in the past 11 nearly 2 times traffic。Currently province highway case load,Should not happen congestion。
Highway toll-free is can speed up traffic,Most congestion will occur in the gateway or a hit-and-run place。Provincial highway administration officials said,Current highway entrance in shenyang,Pressure is the larger of the SuGuTun shenyang-dalian charge journeys,Worth delight,Ring expressway will be in September 15, open,So into the mouth will increase five or six,SuGuTun will greatly ease the pressure of the toll。
出租车是否免费尚无明确规定 If there is no explicit provisions taxi for free
Every year at the feast,Because ChuHangRen multiply,By train、Car difficult is an old topic,Now execute avoid high fee,Many people move up close hire taxi the idea of travel。But for the operation of a taxi into the expressway is free but still controversial。
According to understand,To major holidays in small buses will be exempted from the toll in implementation plan,Currently only to 7 a and the following passenger small vehicles to execute avoid toll。Provincial communications department relevant personage told reporters,Traffic department of transportation, etc by the ministries of the scheme,7 and the following a passenger small vehicle for free,And not so detailed,This reading is that small pickup is also inside 7 a the following vehicle,But pickup and parts of the function,Not passenger,So free is not including pickup。There is no plan to the well documented。After a free,There are two kinds of possibility the probability of occurrence in a bigger also,One is the illegal operation。Some private cars through high-speed free light,Began soliciting private,This requires the competent department increase the strength of management。2 it is increasing traffic accident。High speed road vehicles increased due to holidays,The traffic accident probability will increase。
At present the document have also learned that the province through the implementation of the scheme,But not yet received formal documents,As soon as you get the relevant formal documents,Traffic department will also according to plan and make the relevant rules。The airport expressway is free of the province(area、city)People's government decided to,Save the document no detailed information。
Provincial highway administration officials said,To cope with traffic may increase,High speed on the way of service、Gas station service also need to keep up,According to the,Provincial highway administration subordinate supervisor of the service departments have targeted scheme,Ensure that the needs of the owner。Some industry insiders speculate,Because people travel unpredictable,Don't rule out the possibility of high-speed sections of congestion。so,To realize the high speed road is the necessary information to travel a lesson。
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