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This park deputy general manager LiWenXing says,Discount activity has been held for five years,See the effect is very good,This tradition has been remain,For some people think cheap views,The park is not recognized。“The first year there are such reflection,But in the second year、Beginning in the third,Such reflect and opinion slowly lessened,(think)The idea of the less vulgar,To strengthen the idea......。”
If so?Not also。The fact that there are two quite the irony:One is the news in the video,The park gate is staff with a ruler in quantity short skirt length。The real aesthetic standards need so cognitive?Aesthetic as an excuse to induce them all,Already is“kidnapped”。2 it is a net friend introduced said,He had been to a few times,The men as women,And a lot of wore short skirt with the woman took a long pants,“Change in the park”。“Change in the park”Show that,Facing the miniskirt eyebrow in the United States into the park,Public thought that the“four-letter”Ideas and still exists,“The idea of”And no“strengthen”。As for the last five years,It shows that the local industry and commerce administration department and the absence of regulation only。
The miniskirt eyebrow in the United States in the park today at half price not from the beginning。As early as in 2005,zhengzhou“Century the joy”It issued regulations,18 years old or above 38 centimeters miniskirt wear within the lady,Can half price into the park,The reason is:“In the cool and refreshing in the summer,Girls love wear short skirt。”On that day someone derision to those around us,“Merchants fantasy was joy campus with jade leg,Jade leg cross Chen,The short skirt of downed next brings out countless"Their skirts spring"。And according to the report,This park of guilin,Will the intense summer heat is hard for the visitors,Carefully director a through the heart cool splashed carnival,In not more than 38 cm short skirt of the United States eyebrow,Once the whole body water spilled wet,Don't know how much and will earn“eye”。
The merchants of economy for short skirt,Build is temptation、Surrounded and disseminated,To many people look to lingering reason,Facing the flower beauty,Niao birds each,Amorous feelings kinds,To wipe a porn,Always think will bring a hearty laugh,Eye be made straight,Heart rate。Once the public spending and responsibilities mythical,It will cut with aesthetic of his hat,The truth sexy and art is the elite level。
At present no law,Regulations shall not allow tourists wear many short skirt。Sexy and pornography was a seesaw,There are too many businesses don't want to attackers,Many situation is difficult to laws and regulations restrict。But in real,Have many people,Face the attachment and enjoy,The basis of acceptance for very little comfort,The destruction of social morality and tolerance,The gateway has a width and elastic。
Many theme park life isn't easy,Some losing money in so far,Others give up。According to the report,Domestic theme park 70% in the red state,At 20%,Really only about 10% of the profits。however,This situation is not the reason for celebrating promotion。Data suggest,The park is A 5 A grade in guilin scenic spot,5 A scenic spot and declaration,To travel through the traffic、Tour area、Travel security、Reception capacity, 12 hurdles,The difficulty factor is quite high。Such a theme park,For immediate and long-term development program,Or should be based on scenic spot,Taking the culture as the core element,Increase the market analysis and creative efforts,Updated recreation facilities,Out of a single ticket sales mode,Improve park derivatives and other profit channels development gains……
miniskirt“promotion”,Both infringing upon women's dignity,Also in men and children、The old man、disabled、Migrant workers, and other special group harm,Just trying to interest to party,Sending out the rule and filth,Acting against public order good morals,Thrusting public morals declines。Read so far were,Even the buttocks all can't hide miniskirt“promotion”,Can rest is。
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