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人民网北京7月12日电(记者赵艳红) 北京警方昨日通报,自6月26日组织开展打击站街、坐店招嫖集中统一行动以来。截至7月10日,共清理整治站街、坐店招嫖集中地区和高发点位48处,打掉招嫖团伙及窝点220多个,关停取缔招嫖发廊、足疗店180多家,抓获并作拘留以上处理违法犯罪嫌疑人660多名,打掉团伙窝点数、抓获人员数、查处发廊足疗店数环比分别上升120%、120%和6.4倍;同比分别上升2.2倍、2.1倍和4.9倍。招嫖警情环比下降39%、同比下降60%。
People net Beijing on July 12-(Reporter ZhaoYanGong) Beijing police reported yesterday,Since June 26 organization to crack down on station street、Sit shop tactics abusers released since the centralized and unified action。By July 10,,Clean up the total station street、Sit shop tactics abusers released in concentration and high point in 48,Off the tactics abusers released gang and shelter for more than 220,Shut and clamp down on tactics abusers released hair salon、The foot store many 180,Captured and deal with illegal criminal suspects detained more than more than 660,Several gang knocked out safe、Captured personnel number、Investigate and deal with hair salon pedicure up 120% month-on-month store several respectively、120% and 6.4 times;Respectively compared to the increase of 2.2 times、2.1 times and 4.9 times。Tactics abusers released alert annulus comparing fell 39%、60% year-on-year drop。
Station street、Sit shop tactics abusers released illegal crime activity has always been a police crackdown on Beijing according to law of the key。Public security management office of the Beijing municipal public security bureau actively respond to calls for the masses,Recent jointly with the dependency bureaux,Continuous to wl generalized street、Outside the station waste of tung、In sheep's street room that、Haidian big clock、Men-tou vallely liyuan、Three shop 6 place tactics abusers released concentration areas and high precision in the key point hit。June 28,,The public security management office jointly with the enterprise successively、Wl public security bureau dialogue formed the street bridge foot way center sports margin、In sheep's street room four hair salon in hutong investigated,The capture of suspected illegal activity personnel engaged in prostitution 15 people。Special action of,The public security management directly involved in the corps and blow in yellow hair salon 47 house,Captured suspected illegal prostitution or whoring is engaged in more than 130 personnel。
During the special action,The Beijing public security bureaux take key blow、Concentration regulation、Control follow up and so on many kinds of measures,A quick hit the high tide。Among them,Fengtai public security bureau for standing street tactics abusers released illegal activities,Make full use of existing video surveillance system,High incidence of tactics abusers released parts for monitoring、shooting、forensics,Do the relevant evidence collected,The timely discovery illegal current,Squat down to guard against illegal activities。Standing on the street the lugouqiao five miles high alert in store,From 26 to 29,Comprehensive use of video monitoring system lock evidence,Has captured station street tactics abusers released illegal workers 19,,Now public security detained 10 people according to law。Wl public security bureau shall strictly implement follow up control measures,The special action has been knocked out of the home yellow hair salon in 17,In conjunction with the street ZongZhiBan in yellow hair salon will be suspended for the items within,Each of the rental housing in yellow hair salon owner talks,Making an interrogation record,And given that the ministry of commerce and industry area,The illegal hair salon shop the foot shall revoke the business license。
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