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- ·全国农村公路现场会今日开幕 -2013年
- ·2020年基本建成绿色循环低碳交通运输
- ·冯正霖在吉林调研公路养护管理工作时
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- ·长江口两年大船通过量增近19倍-2013
- ·智能运输大会暨卫星导航服务展览开幕
- ·五大行动培育践行行业核心价值体系-2
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1 - July,Postal enterprises and national scale above express service enterprise business income(Do not include postal savings bank direct operating income)112.88 billion yuan has been completed,Year-on-year growth of 24.5%;Business has been completed the total amount is 109.98 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 22.2%。
In July,The industry business income finished 15.54 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 25.3%;Total business finished 16.58 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 28.6%。
1 - July,Postal mail business has been finished 4.42 billion pieces,4.0% year-on-year drop;Package has been completed business 37.244 million pieces,Year-on-year growth of 1.5%;The newspaper business has been finished 11.1 billion copies,Year-on-year growth of 5.3%;Magazine business of 670 million has been completed,Year-on-year growth of 7.0%;Exchange business accumulated finished 130 million pen,11.3% year-on-year drop。
1 - July,The national scale above express service enterprise business has been finished 2.85 billion pieces,Year-on-year growth of 51.9%;Business income 55.55 billion yuan has been completed,Year-on-year growth of 40.0%。the,The city has been completed business income is 5.65 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 60.0%;Different business income 33.21 billion yuan has been completed,Year-on-year growth of 45.2%;International and Hong Kong, Macao has been completed business income is 11.74 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 11.6%。
In July,Express traffic finished 460 million pieces,Year-on-year growth of 56.2%;Business income finished 8.72 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 41.7%。
1 - July,city、different、International and Hong Kong, Macao express business income accounted for 10.2% of all express income、59.8% and 21.1%;Volume accounted for 23.1% of all express business、73.7% and 3.2%。Compared with the same period last year,The proportion of city express business income increased by 1.3%,The proportion of different express business income rose by 2.1%,International and Hong Kong, Macao and the proportion of business income fell by 5.4%。
1 - July,east、in、The western region express business income proportion was 82.1%、9.4% and 8.5%,Volume proportion was 81.3%、10.7% and 8.0%。Compared with the same period last year,The eastern region express business income proportion rose by 1%,Express volume weight increased by 1.9%;The central region express business income proportion dropped 0.6%,Express volume proportion dropped 0.9%;The western region express business income proportion dropped 0.4%,Express volume proportion dropped 1%。
- 全国农村公路现场会今日开幕 -2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和国交--亲稳舆论
- 2020年基本建成绿色循环低碳交通运输体系-2013年05月新闻-中华人--亲稳网络
- 冯正霖在吉林调研公路养护管理工作时提出:为公路交通长远科学发--亲稳网络
- 长江中游荆江河段航道整治工程优质廉政共建启动 李建波要求把项--亲民维稳
- 国际运输论坛聚焦投融资长远之策 翁孟勇在论坛峰会上发言-2013年--亲稳舆论
- 长江口两年大船通过量增近19倍-2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和国交--亲稳网络
- 智能运输大会暨卫星导航服务展览开幕-2013年05月新闻-中华人民共--亲稳网络
- 五大行动培育践行行业核心价值体系-2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和--亲稳网络
- 长江全面进入防汛备战阶段 长航局着力9个重点保安全-2013年05月--亲稳网络
- 海军第十三批护航编队凯旋 -2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和国交通--亲稳网络
- 道路运输车辆展关注安全低碳 -2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和国交--亲民维稳
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- 第二届校车发展研讨会暨展览会7月开幕-2013年05月新闻-中华人民--亲民维稳
- 京杭运河苏鲁段推进船舶油改气试点-2013年05月新闻-中华人民共和--亲稳网络