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精华大图集:绿城玉兰广场销售服务中心盛大开放 玉香倾城--亲稳网络舆情监控室

三六五地产家居网 常州讯 The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。三六五地产家居网 常州讯
The 365 real estate home JuWang changzhou inquiry2012年7月15日上午,绿城玉兰广场销售中心盛大开放 。绿城玉兰广场常州分公司各领导人、常州各大主流媒体以及上千位市民亲临现场,庆祝并见证了这一重要时刻。上午9:00,常州绿城玉兰广场张总经理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,并就绿城集团独特的园区服务体系及海豚计划做了详解。随后绿城玉兰广场营销部经理吉祥、策划经理栾晓晨、以及绿城玉兰广场张总经理正式为销售中心揭下帷幕。至此绿城玉兰广场正式对外公开。这也预示着,“绿城式的生活”在常州的开启。
The morning of July 15, 2012,Green city on the yulan square sales center grand opening 。Green city on the yulan square changzhou branch leaders、Changzhou each big mainstream media and people came to the spot,Celebrate and the testimony of this important moment。9:00,Changzhou green city on the general manager zhang yulan square gave his wonderful speech,And the green city on the group of unique service system and the dolphin plan to do the explanation。Then green city on the Marketing Department manager yulan square auspicious、Planning LuanXiaoChen manager、And green city on the general manager for a formal yulan square sales center peel the curtain。So far green city on the public official yulan square。It also indicates the,“Green city on the type of life”In changzhou open。
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